Personal Injury

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(404) 343-2535

Atlanta’s Personal Injury Attorney

The Law Office of Trichelle Griggs Simmons represents clients in Georgia who have been injured due to the wrongful conduct of others. We focus on car accidents, 18 wheeler truck accidents, work accidents, wrongful death, medical malpractice, general negligence, premises liability, product liability and more. Our Atlanta personal injury law practice is committed to helping you receive the monetary compensation you deserve, be it through a fair insurance settlement or a jury trial verdict.

In personal injury and tort litigation, successful outcomes depend on focused knowledge of specific areas of law, relentless preparation, and advanced technology in the courtroom. Here are a few of the types of personal injury cases we handle:

  • Automobile Accidents – When they occur, motor vehicle accidents can cause severe and permanent injuries. Such injuries often result in significant financial losses to the individuals involved and their families. Fortunately, Georgia law provides an injured person with the right to recover money damages from the responsible party for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
  • Wrongful Death – When someone passes away, family members’ thoughts are where they should be – with the person they have lost. Unfortunately, one of the practical decisions that needs to be made as soon as possible is whether it is appropriate to pursue a claim against a person or company believed to be responsible.
  • Negligence – Mistakes and accidents happen. But what at first glance seems like a mistake or an accident often turns out to be the result of someone’s negligence, or even a company’s consistent pattern of cutting corners to reduce costs, ignoring safety regulations or misusing equipment. Proving such negligence can be difficult, often requiring review of thousands of documents and depositions of the people involved.
  • Work-Place Injuries – If you are injured during work, you may be entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits. On the job accidents are not always covered by Georgia workers compensation. If you have been injured on the job in a construction accident while using unsafe equipment or through lack of proper safety gear, you may be entitled to Georgia workers’ comp type benefits from your employer.However, if your company does not subscribe to the Georgia Workers’ Compensation System, the company may deny benefits for the injured person. In either case, you may be able to pursue a claim against the company and get fair compensation for the injured employee.
  • Medical Malpractice – When individuals seek treatment from an Atlanta medical professional, they place their trust in that professional’s ability to render proper medical care. When that trust is shattered by negligence or incompetent conduct, the consequences can be significant and long-lasting.
  • Motorcycle Accidents – Over 65,000 motorcyclists are injured annually on America’s streets and highways. Most often, other drivers involved in an accident with motorcycles fail to see the motorcycle at all until the moment just before impact, and sometimes not until after the motorcycle accident has actually occurred.
  • Tractor-Trailer Accidents – The severe, debilitating and permanent injuries that arise from accidents with trucks result in significant financial losses to the individuals involved and their families. The law provides an injured person with the right to recover his or her damages from the responsible party.
  • Premises Liability – When an accident or injury occurs to a visitor or tenant on another person’s property, the owner of the property may be legally responsible if it can be proved that their negligence led to the injury.

The Law Office of Trichelle Griggs Simmons handles personal injury cases in the following Georgia counties: Fulton, Dekalb, Henry, Rockdale, Cobb, Gwinnett, Clayton, Fayette, Forsyth, Douglas and Newton County. If you are interested in our assistance, feel free to contact our Georgia Personal Injury law practice at (404) 343-2535 to discuss the specifics of your case.

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